Minggu, 29 November 2015

My School Life

Kastil Bambu 37
Hello everybody!

Now I will tell you about one of my school activity. I will tell you about the first meeting of KPA which called Kastil Bambu 37.

Hmm before that, I will tell you about KPA first.KPA is Keluarga Paduan Angklung. KPA is an angklung extraculicular in my school. After the open recruitment of extraculicular, I joined KPA. I joined KPA because, I need an extraculicular that can make me fun and I think playing angklung is fun.

Kastil Bambu 37 was held in October 24th 2015 at grade XII classroom. Before the meeting, our senior gave me the invitation for Kastil Bambu 37.

Kastil Bambu 37 was held after the sport class, so I came to this event with my friend, Malva. When we came, our senior was look very happy to welcome us. Before I entered the classroom, I wrote my name in guest book and my senior gave me a name tag.
In the classroom there was many people who attend this event. While waiting until the event is start, we watched some videos of KPA performences in many events and there was so awesome!!

And finally, the meeting is start. Kang Garbha and Teh...(I forgot her name :)) opened the meeting. After that, we should sit in a circle and all of KPA senior introduce them self one by one. There was also some alumnuses who attend this event and they introduce them self too.

After that, two alumnuses told us about performence that will KPA join. While we watching, our seniors gave us many delicious snacks, so we could eat while watching.

Then, we played a game yeeaaaayy! This game showed our teamwork. If the instructure tod us to make five legs, we should make a group with five person and bring our leg close. In the end of the game, we should held our hand together and then we should stand together

After played a game, we move to the classroom beside the classroom before. In there, we would play angklung yeay! Our senior gave me one angklung. I got angklung number 6. And now, we would play cup song – When I’m Gone by Anna Kendrick. Some seniors played this song with cup, and all X grade played this song with angklung. When we played it together, it heard so awesome!

After we played angklung, some seniors stood in front of the class. They brought some envelopes in their hands. Then, they called some names. And they called my name, OMG I was very shocked. I stood in front of the class and fortunately, there was some friends that called too. After that, a senior gave me an envelope. A senior told us to open the envelope together. Inside the envelope there was a paper. I opened the paper and there was a letter. I got A letter.

Then, a senior told us to arrange the letter to be a sentence. I and my friends were confuse. In the first, we guess the sentence is “Keluarga Paduan Angklung 3” but it was wrong. And finally, we knew the sentence was “Selamat Datang KPA 37”. We arranged the sentence and some seniors take some photos of it.

After that, an alumnus stood in front of the class and introduced 2 candidates for KPA chief. There was Teh Bila and Teh Nadin. He said we should choose one of the candidates in the ‘Pemilu’ that would be held later.

Huhh..now this meeting was done. All seniors stand in front of the class and closed the meeting. They said thank you to us. Oh, they also told the meaning of Kastil Bambu 37, honestly in the beginning I was very confused about this name. Kastil Bambu 37 means.. KPA SMAN TILU BAHAGIA MENYAMBUT 37. So, it means all of KPA member, also alumnuses were very happy to welcome us as KPA 37 generation. Then, we came together in the rooftop to take some photos.

That's all about first meeting KPA :)